WPF Pivot Table Grid OLAP Control for WPF Apps ComponentOne

wpf dynamic table

This is achieved by subscribing to the IDataErrorInfo, an interface that provides the functionality to display custom error information in any control. When building an application, I might not have the luxury of creating model classes to represent the objects I’ll be rendering on screen, because they are dynamic. If I don’t know the shape of my data, I can use a meta model (a model of the final model) to represent it. The view can then iterate through this collection of Group objects and add a System.Windows.Controls.DataGridCheckBoxColumn for each one.

As you can see, I dynamically create a Binding, and use the index of the column in my model as the binding path. This method is responsible for creating the actual CheckBox control that is bound to the column’s Binding property. Create dynamic pivot tables like Microsoft Excel and aggregate millions of rows of data in milliseconds with ComponentOne FlexPivot. A cell can contain multiple controls, they can span over multiple cells and even overlap themselves. This section provides a tutorial on using the third-party FlexGrid control from MESCIUS for comparison. It requires that you first complete the tutorial above to set up the application and data source.

WPF Tables Example

  1. A cell can contain multiple controls, they can span over multiple cells and even overlap themselves.
  2. Now just create a new row in the table, it will reflect on the datagrid.
  3. At runtime you can add more PropertyDescriptors to ‘Users’ add another column to the grid.
  4. The ObjectTag itself is a DependencyProperty that can be attached to any type of control that is derived from DependencyObject.
  5. A WPF datagrid is a user interface control for displaying, editing, and analyzing large data sets within a Windows desktop application.

The FlexPivotChart is an extension of FlexChart and supports multiple chart types, like column, bar, area, scatter, and pie, tooltips, legends and hierarchical axes. A demonstration of such an implementation with the RadGridView control can be found in the Binding to ICustomTypeDescriptor demo of the SDK Examples Browser. After running your excellent example I want to learn more about the capabilities of D3. For the real time chart example I would like to add a)Panning and b)Zooming. For our screen we need a few controllers to dynamically filter, sort and page.

Since I am not quite certain about the result you wish to achieve, I will provide several Knowledge Base articles that describe how to create different kinds of dynamic Tables.

You typically use the Binding property of a DataGridCheckBoxColumn to bind to a source property of type System.Boolean (bool). In this particular example, one user can belong to multiple groups and one group can have multiple users. Deliver in-depth business intelligence with a pivot UI that slices and dices your tabular and cube data to give users real-time information, insights, and results in seconds. The easy-to-use controls are modeled after Microsoft Excel® Pivot Tables, so they’re powerful and familiar for all users. I have problem like data  comes from db in viewmodel and load in tabel. Next, you can explore the column API through Visual Studio IntelliSense and the Properties window to configure additional features.

wpf dynamic table

Let us see an example usage of this collection class with our GridData control. All of our WPF demos are included in a single downloadable desktop explorer. Explore every feature and showcase demos for FlexPivot using the Control Explorer application for .NET Framework or .NET 6+. Includes built-in save and load of views, which saves development time and increases productivity by giving more power to the end-user.

Essential Grid supports addition of extra columns to the https://traderoom.info/displaying-data-in-tables-with-wpf-s-datagrid/ data source columns. Such additional columns are called unbound columns as they do not belong to the data source. These unbound fields can be used, when you want to add some additional or custom information for each record.

  1. If you change the current record in the grid, then the current selection of the other control also shifts to this new position and vice versa.
  2. FlexGrid and FlexChart can be synchronously connected to the data to see dynamic updates on any change in data.
  3. Unbound columns allow association of related values that are bound to an expression in the unbound column or through handling the QueryUnboundColumnValue event.
  4. As an added bonus I added the functionality that the CheckBox control is not shown in the user data grid new item row.

You could make the GroupsToBooleanConverter class derive from the System.Windows.DependencyObject class, add a dependency property to it and bind the source value to this dependency property. Note however that as a converter is not part of the visual tree, it doesn’t have any DataContext and this means that you have to get or inherit this from somewhere. You can read this external article published on the CodeProject for some ways of doing this if you decide to take this approach. Every datagrid control automatically generates columns for each field and comes with basic editing and sorting features out of the box. In simple cases, this is all you need, but notice that every column will display in the exact order as they are discovered in the data source. The post is devoted to the WPF gridview with a dynamically-defined number of rows and columns but all cells have the same width and height.

GridData Control Implementation

Data can be visualized in different forms, like in a table/grid form or a graphical representation, for example. ComponentOne FlexGrid is used to visualize data in table/grid form, and FlexChart is a graphical representation of data. FlexGrid and FlexChart can be synchronously connected to the data to see dynamic updates on any change in data. It contains a property named Format, which is used to specify a format for the UnboundRow. Given an UnboundRow we can check if this is an UnboundRow or not using IsInUnboundRow(int Rowindex) method in Grid Model.

Using The Code

In the following post, this issue is solved with asynchronous method that updates cell array. Also, other implementation for cells could be used; for example, 2-dimensional array of cells ICellViewModels works well. Main windowWpf application is done in MVVM pattern with one main window. In this implementation collection of cells is recreated each time if grid width or grid height is changed, and it leads to some application pauses. In the following post this issue is solved with asynchronous method that updates cell array.

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The internal view uses LINQ expression syntax to generate operations, this works well for including custom LINQ expressions inside operations such as sorting, filtering, grouping, etc. All the default Summary Aggregates now implement ISummaryExpressionAggregate interface. This typically informs the ICollectionViewAdv to expect an Expression to evaluate at run time.

Now, you’ll observe that when you type in the TextBox, the FlexGrid automatically filters. To begin building a .NET WPF application, you must first install Visual Studio with .NET tools. In Visual Studio 2010 DataGrid supports Drag and Drop from a toolbox but in Visual Studio 2008 you need to install the WPF toolkit.

The next three columns are DataGridTextColumns and the last column is a DataGridCheckBoxColumn. To create manual columns, the AutoGenerateColumns property must be set to false. The Grid Table exposes an API named GetUnboundValue that can be used to retrieve the unbound value of a specific unbound cell. Given the record index and the respective Unbound Column object, it returns the unbound field value for the specified record. It is overloaded to accept row and column indices as parameters using which it fetches the corresponding unbound visible column and yields its value as output. Essential Grid now provides support to validate the grid data and display error information.

In addition, in order to prevent too frequent changes of grid sizes if user are resizing window slowly, timer is used in application. The timer is created in constructor and starts or restarts each time one view height or view width are changed. Hello,I am quite new in WPF, I would like to define dynamically the grid of my aplication.

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