Displaying and editing many-to-many relational data in a WPF DataGrid Magnus Montin

wpf dynamic table

Since the collections are dynamic, we need to specify the proper type for the column to work properly in all scenarios. GridDataVisibleColumn provides a DataType property to specify the type for the column. A return value is required for any LINQ Aggregate method to be implemented. In order to invoke an unbound column through the lambda delegate, you have an internal wrapper lambda that is generic. A many-to-many relationship is one where two data tables or entities have multiple rows that are connected to one or more rows in the other table. You can customize the FlexPivotPage control, or use the separate grid, panel and chart components to build a completely custom pivot UI.

Custom Summary Operations

This is the key step so that when data changes by FlexGrid, the View (which also contains FlexChart) will be notified. Following is the code example that iterates through the SelectedItems collections and prints the values of those records that are in selection. The default summaries work much the same way as summaries with bound columns.

Windows Forms was the preferred option for developing a desktop Windows application until .NET 3.0, when Microsoft added WPF to the .NET stack of frameworks. WPF added many improvements over Windows Forms, but most significantly, it added better data binding, styling, and performance enhancements. WPF was the first .NET platform to use XAML with a datagrid among its core UI components. The post showcases a WPF datagrid with dynamic columns where the number of rows and columns is defined but all cells have the same size. A converter is used to get this information and it is mapped to the CheckBox’s Visibility flag.

GridData Control Implementation

These DataSet objects can operate independent of the .NET data providers. I looking for it in google and I am only finding info about how to bind values through data templates. The WPF DataGrid offers the possibility to add rows directly in the data grid. This can be disabled by setting the data grid’s flag ‘CanUserAddRows’ to false. The grid can do this because the data source is a DataView, and the view contains the functionality to manipulate the data table contents.

This generates a simple list of objects and assigns it to the datagrid’s ItemsSource property. In this article, we discuss the evolution of the .NET datagrid, the top features of a WPF datagrid, and how to use a datagrid in your WPF application code. DataGrid is a data shaping component that allows the end user to manage the data and also display the data on the screen. It provides a feature called AutoGenerateColumns that automatically generates columns. IsReadOnly – when true, prevents the user from double-clicking a cell to edit its contents. You can set AutoGenerateColumns property in DataGrid both in XAML and code-behind class.

  1. In your actual application, the data could be coming from a web service, SQL Server, JSON file or another source.
  2. The GridData control provides support to keep any Selector-derived control synchronized with its current selection.
  3. For the command of the view model to know what to do when it gets executed, you have to pass it some parameters.
  4. Note however that as a converter is not part of the visual tree, it doesn’t have any DataContext and this means that you have to get or inherit this from somewhere.
  5. Complex Property Binding feature is useful when the user has nested data, i.e., when data of one table is mapped to another table.

View model of dynamic data grid contains cell, view and grid sizes, data model for cell set, and collection of collections of cell view models. Actually, it is not a clear approach from the point of MVVM pattern, as view model should know nothing about view, but it is realized in accurate way via binding and attached properties. Grid size, i.e. number of rows and columns, is https://traderoom.info/displaying-data-in-tables-with-wpf-s-datagrid/ calculated as view size divided by cell size.

Repository files navigation

  1. The default summaries work much the same way as summaries with bound columns.
  2. The data binding is based on a set of interfaces that differ in the context of accessing and navigating through data and of course manipulating the data.
  3. This section is a tutorial on getting started on building a WPF application and working with the standard DataGrid control.
  4. Method analyses necessary changes and remove or add rows and remove or add cell view models to rows.
  5. Once your grid is bound to CollectionViewSource-driven source list, the CVS manages all the data related operations such as grouping, sorting, filtering and so on.

For example, if you add another row to the Group database table, you want another column representing this new group to show up in the DataGrid without any changes to the code. This is not always the best approach to take – you will usually be using DataAdapters and DataTables to retrieve information from a database, or external files, and bind it to a datagrid. In the code-behind class, we have create a class ‘Employee’ which has properties of different types like int, string, bool, enum, Uri, DateTime. Then we have created an ObservableCollection of Employee class and create three sample employee type and bind ObservableCollection to DataGrid in the ItemsSource property. Values of color properties are assigned to corresponding properties of CellView control. View model for each cell implements ICellViewModel interface that defines property for data model that implements ICell interface and command for changing state for the cell.

wpf dynamic table

Dynamic grid is implemented as user control that contains DataGrid control bound to observable collection of collections of cell view models. Note that the XAML markup for the view contains only an empty DataGrid and the columns and bindings are defined in code. This is perfectly acceptable and does not break the MVVM pattern since all code is view related. The MVVM design pattern is about separating application logic from your view logic and not necessarily about eliminating code out of the views. The reason why this is done in C# code instead of static XAML markup is of course that the number of groups (columns) is dynamic and may vary over time.

You can now build and run the application to see the datagrid in action. To see how these features compare to the Windows Forms DataGridView, check out our previous blog, The Definitive Guide to .NET C# Datagrids. In this application I use it as a memory database that can store its data to an XML file. I like it for the samples, because it allows me to use database like functionality without the need of SQL servers. The DataSet can be used together with database connections to store and retrieve data from SQL servers, etcetera. In this application, I use the persistence mechanism to store to and retrieve data from an XML file.

Allow users to save their views for quick analysis on future runs of the application. Analyze and handle up to hundreds of millions of records in a fraction of a second. ComponentOne FlexPivot can handle very large data sets thanks to its powerful data engine that stores data in memory-mapped files using column-oriented technology. Just connect the all-in-one FlexPivotPage component to a data source and you have a complete analytical tool including the pivot panel, grid, chart and a toolbar. The SelectionMode can be set to Single or Extended to define if one or multiple units can be selected simultaneously. The latest values of each are combined into a new PageRequest and the page controller is updated to this value.

Highlight high and low values by coloring the text color, cell color or text weight. For example, highlight values below zero, or highlight the top 10% of values. Notice that the BoolToImageConverter class is identified and the Key value set to CovertBoolToImage. Within the DataTemplate element the Key is set to StatusImage and the source binds to Convertor which links to the BoolToImageConverter class via its Key value. This blog will show how to connect a FlexChart to a FlexGrid to create a bound MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) scenario similar to Microsoft Excel. Users can add, delete and modify items in FlexGrid, which will reflect in FlexChart.

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